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Dear Skaters, Coaches and Families,

You may have heard RPI's recent announcement concerning their preparations for dealing with the coronavirus. I want to share with you how Hudson Mohawk is affected by those plans and keep you up to date on where our club stands.


HMFSC rents our ice from RPI, and we are therefore considered "outside parties" in their plans. We MUST follow their directives, and will definitely do so. We have described this in detail on our website:

3/9/2020 - Level 1 (Condition A)

As of today, RPI is at Level 1. This means that no outside groups of greater than 50 people total are allowed. For us, this would include skaters, coaches, club volunteers and parents.

The following activities are currently approved to continue as normal:

*Freestyle sessions (Wed 3/11, Sat 3/14, Sun 3/15 and Wed 3/18)

*Exhibition team practice (Sat 3/14)

The following activities are currently being reviewed: *Learn to Skate final session (Sat 3/14)

*The Garren (Sat 3/21)

*The Garren test session (Sun 3/22)

*Sk8 to Eliminate Cancer (Sun 3/22)

The HMFSC Board, LTS Skating Director, Garren Committee and SK8 to Eliminate Committee are working to see if we can adjust these events without sacrificing the quality and experience for our skaters. As we make decisions, we will share them with all of you as quickly as we are able.

How can you help?

Please read the attached plan closely. If you have questions or concerns, please contact any of our Board members. Above all, keep yourselves healthy and follow the advice of the CDC.

We look forward to seeing all of you very soon, and we thank you for skating with us.


Stacey Hills, HMFSC President

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